Specialty coffee can be an intimidating concept for people. There’s a perception that you need fancy coffee makers and brew gear to appreciate it, but that’s not the case. All you really need is a way to boil water and something to drink from.
And, of course, the perfect roast for your personal taste!
Brew Like a Rockstar

Fill the pan with 6-8 ounces more water than for a standard brew to account for the grounds left after the brew.

Heat the water until it comes to a boil, and add two tablespoons of grounds for every 6 ounces of water.

Remove the pan from the heat and cover it immediately

Let the coffee brew for about five minutes before uncovering the pan. Your coffee is ready to serve if all the grounds have settled to the bottom!

You can pour it directly from the pan into your cup, leaving the remaining water and grounds behind.
It’s that simple!